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House Happenings

Pizza Party

In early January we made homemade pizzas at the house! The residents shared their cooking techniques with each other and then we all sat down together and ate. The children especially enjoyed getting to pick their toppings.



All of the families went to the museum this month! The children loved doing the hands-on activities and the moms enjoyed sharing these moments with them.


Music Therapy with the Fenix Group

In January a music therapist led our support group sessions. The sessions were enjoyed by all ages and were filled with laughter, joy, and fun! One participant said it was the first


Mom’s Day Out

In February we had a Mom’s Day Out! The mom’s were excited to spend adult-only time at the museum and to go out to lunch together.


Valentine’s Party


Sister Tracy Kemme, SC MDiv offers spiritual companionship to interested residents. For the second year in a row, she and the Sisters of Charity offered residents a Valentine’s Day party. They shared wonderful food and lots of laughs!


Nutrition Group

Residents are participating in a 6 week Nutrition & Cooking class from the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program. They have enjoyed trying out new recipes and learning some facts about nutrition.


Winter Zoo Trip

A recent school holiday was a great opportunity to take the whole house to the zoo. Everyone was excited about the penguins!

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