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House Happenings Summer Fall 2023

Each month we provide residents with at least two educational or enrichment activities. These activities are a great way for the residents to spend time together as a community and to enjoy special events. Some of these events take place outside of the house like going to the zoo, museum, or aquarium while some take place in the comfort of Casa de Paz.



Rainy summer days call for indoor activities! This summer we made homemade play-doh, which is a great sensory activity for young children. We also explored the aquarium.

We have been to the zoo at least three times this summer! Thank you to the Hispanic Chamber of Cincinnati for providing funding so we could buy passes. For many families, this was their first time at a zoo so large. The zoo is always enjoyed by the entire family, regardless of their age.


We were given tickets to the Circus by Project Connect and were able to take the whole house! We took up almost an entire row of seats and all enjoyed the show together.


On November 1st, we celebrated Dia de los Muertos by painting skulls, a prominent symbol for this holiday. We painted them to give them life, personality, and so they don’t seem scary. We also ate the traditional pan de muerto, which symbolizes breaking bread with family members who are no longer with us.

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